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Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a miserable thing. It works actively to eliminate any possibility of success. The reason “Wool You Dare” struck a...


Lately I’ve been trying to allow myself to step back, to sink slowly and deliciously into the creativity I know is lurking below the...

Priorities Goals and Guilt

My goal for this morning was to write for both this site and my RMT page. (Aside from the pile of stuff on the kitchen table, and the...

Elder Millennial Anxiety

Lately I’ll been over here low-key struggling. Not in any way profound way…but more than usual, I’ve been feeling the presence of all the...

Finding Balance

There are so many bits and pieces of information, sometimes conflicting, about how to achieve balance and wellness both mentally and...

The Business of Crafting

My personality & mentality is probably far better suited to the days when most of what people had they produced themselves. The process...

Craft & the Feminine

Amongst the various labels people slap onto females, I've always felt a little lost, and perhaps a bit dual-natured. As a child I never...

A Yarn About Yarn

My Mom taught me to knit when I was a child, but I didn't really pick it up again until I was in high school, and then again in...

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