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  • Writer's pictureKyrsten Collyer


Lately I’ve been trying to allow myself to step back, to sink slowly and deliciously into the creativity I know is lurking below the surface of my waters. Thinking too much about business this and business that has been taking its’ toll. It’s counterproductive to my cause.

Rushing around with this goal and that has been feeling increasingly less productive, and so I shall regress…back to the making. I will be moved forward by projects that inspire me; fully immersing myself into my own creative core.

I will not let myself get stuck in place by anxieties of how things should look, how they should be, of what I should be doing. There is no place for ‘should’ in the creative mind. The creative mind is a do-er, a living breathing force that should not be diluted but followed, listened to and trusted, like the wise.

I have let myself stray, become too precious with the process and the product. I cannot continue this way. I must be fully present if I am to see and follow the golden threads of the path forward. My success will come only through thorough trust in my own creative self…I cannot be disconnected or I will fail, for even if I succeed in the eyes of others, I will never succeed in my own if I am not one with the joy of creating.

I must let everything I do sing its’ own joyous song…I must be the channel through which beauty flows. I must use all the joy, and tension and sorrow I feel and witness to bring forth new things. I must flow.

I will not always be able to inhabit this space…but my intention is set, and forward I will go.

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